Oh how the North Wind doth blow....but fear not we have something here for everyone to warm you from within. 4 Wonderful Winter Warmer Recipes.
A big warm welcome to #CookBlogShare here on Apply To Face Blog. As the wind and rain rages outside, what better way to shelter from the storm than rustling up something infused with warming spices? A little warmth in the winter belly is just what the weatherman ordered. Not only will you keep snug but you'll keep everyone else's chills at bay. At least momentarily anyway. It's either these recipes or Ready Brek people. I know what I'm cooking.
This month has found me feverishly beavering away updating old posts and generally trying to right the wrongs that I had naively committed when I first began my blog. At times I have felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of it all. Not least compounded by my scatterbrain mentality and rubbish organisational skills. I like to fly by the seat of my big pants normally but alas this is not conducive to successful blogging. With my gut well and truly reined in, I have managed to emerge the other side still sane if a little grey and sweaty.
My Iced Buns were the very last post to get the update back, sack and crack treatment. They made me realise exactly why I work my wotsits off. Being able to snaffle the most wonderful food is quite a perk, if I do say so myself. Having to cook my recipes again really brought it home to me just how good food can be. There is SO much to be said for the home cook.
It is easy to forget the joy of a homemade soft and milky Iced Bun or a buttery, flaky Danish Pastry after the fact and after a whole heap of the time on the lap top. It was an absolute blast to enjoy them all over again and it left me even more focused on food blogging. God help me!
Another perk related to blogging is that I also have been enjoying my children taking a new found interest in cooking my recipes with me in the kitchen. I am a little shocked to be honest as they have never been at all interested before.
I suspect there is a little sibling rivalry going on as they do spend most of their time together trying to outdo/maim each other. But who cares if I can share a little of my foodie love with them. My son has completely made my Nutella Cheesecake this morning along with Yorkshire Puddings and gravy for Sunday Lunch. He even peeled all the potatoes and carrots. All this in our pyjamas dancing to Prince albums. One very happy Mummy.

Winter Warmers
As the weather has been so pants lately I couldn't help but be drawn to these four great recipes. I love a little warm spice in my food in the Winter. Just enough to warm the toes. These recipes have the wonderful cajun and smoked paprika spices running through them. Just perfect in my spice baby book.
These Cajun Chicken Cups from A Strong Coffee are packed full of flavour and brilliantly low on the carbs. I would absolutely love to tuck into these at any time. I genuinely feel inspired to make them especially because they are made with frozen avocado. Who knew? I've gotta get me some of those. Game changer.
This Bean Chilli from Lost In Food is packed full of beans, vegetables and spices. This tasty dish is vegan and wonderfully warming at the end of a chilly day. I just love the sound of it. A great one for absolutely everyone to come home to.
Sweetcorn Chowder from Taste Botanical. This is exactly the sort of soup that I love. Hearty with a capital H. Again packed full of warming spices with an extra level of smoky flavour. A fantastic meal in itself. This is a soup to get lost in. Delicious.
Shrimps and Crabs In Cajun Butter Sauce from The Not So Creative Cook just wowed me from the get go! You can just taste the glorious buttery garlic and cajun spices coating all that wonderful seafood. What a celebration of a dish. A ray of sunshine too when we very much need it.
Kate - Gluten Free Alchemist
I know where you are coming from! Feel totally all over the place and wonder why on earth I am bothering to blog at all.... Trying to update what feels like (no... IS) hundreds of posts from my distant past...
Still. At least there's Cook Blog Share to look forward to! Lovely round up as always. xxx
You are smashing the updates! I love your recipes???
louise Gunstone
Great round-up! I'm torn by the delicious looking sweet recipes and the spicy winter warmers!
Warming spicy foods are just what I want to be eating right now. Although if I'm honest, I pretty much want to eat them all the time. So I'll sit down to a bowl of that bean chilli and then follow it up with some of your gorgeous iced buns please.
Me too. Good choice! x
Chloe Edges
Great selection Jenny! As if I had any doubt!
You smasher you x
Janice Pattie
Some really great recipes in your roundup. Definitely some there I will be trying.
Thanks Janice!
What a lovely roundup! Yum
Thanks Clare
Thanks gorgeous x
Michelle Rolfe
Great round up Jenny. The sun has begun to shine here in Scotland but the temperature are still those of winter warmer dishes. Thanks for featuring our bean chilli, its a favourite of ours. And thanks for hosting this week! Cheers, Michelle #CookBlogShare.
Thanks Michelle. It looked absolutely perfect!
frugal hausfrau
I've been doing some of the same on my site! Some of my earlier posts are so sad!! I just joined in at your link party! How fun!!
I can’t believe that any of your posts were sad! So glad to have you with us!
Cat | Curly's Cooking
Updating old posts is a never ending task. Well for me anyway! I'm being strict and updating the dire ones and trying to ignore the ones that are so-so until a later date. And while I've been updating posts, my to-do list of things to do next is getting longer and longer. These recipes are a welcome distraction!
I feel exactly the damn same. I had to stop myself doing it as I got a bit obsessed!
Eb Gargano | Easy Peasy Foodie
Ooooh - yes please! I love a bit of spice. They all look fab, but especially that vegan chilli. Good luck with all your updates. I am doing the same at the moment. Dull, but at the same time rather satisfying! Eb x
Jessica Cantoni
It’s the same here - I’ve not blogged in such a long time since baby arrived last year. Well, he’s one now and so I think I’m back in business haha. I haven’t linked up in a longggg time either. Everything has changed! I feel like such a newbie!
Thank you very much for featuring my Sweetcorn Chowder! Lots of great winter warmer recipes here - I love #CookBlogShare!
Karen Burns-Booth
Just added my recipe - not been here for ages due to moving and bereavement, but I am pleased to be joining in again! Karen
Lou | Crumbs and Corkscrews
Updating seems to be never-ending at this end and getting new posts out there too. I'll admit to not feeling the love as much last month so took a bit of a break and I think I'm ready to go again now! A great round-up, with some fabulous recipes as always 🙂